I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Christ as my Savior as a young child. I recognized my sin and that Jesus was the only way I could be right with God, but I didn’t turn to God for a lot of things. I learned early on that if I worked hard at something, I could be good at it. I was good at academics and sports. I loved to work and make money. I was living for my own glory and was self reliant and self righteous. I didn’t recognize my need for God daily. Until recently, I worked really hard in my job and loved hearing praise from others and receiving raises. I tried to find joy in my circumstances and from things outside of Christ. 

A couple months ago, I received a package in the mail from my aunt and uncle. It was out of the blue, I hadn’t expected it. It was a movie called the “War Room”. My husband and I decided we would watch it as a family. The movie was about discipleship and prayer and what discipleship and prayer can look like in life and the power it can have. 

Before watching the movie, I knew I should be praying. I was not praying often or for very long when I did pray. I was praying most often in response to difficult circumstances or when someone was sick or needing prayer.

Since being inspired by the movie, I cleaned out a large closet in my home and made a place where I can fall on my face before God. I was reminded that we are in a spiritual battle and prayer is an effective strategy to draw close to God and defeat the enemy. God’s given me greater joy in spending time with Him through prayer and reading the Bible.

I pray more often and for longer periods of time. My kids have left me little notes about what was on their hearts and for which they wanted me to pray. God has been giving me a desire to pray. I have seen God answer prayer. I have experienced increased understanding of who God is and what He has done. God has given me a greater love for Jesus and for others. God has revealed pride that I was blind to that was causing division in a family relationship. He revealed that I was relying on my career as a false identity. God is changing my mind and my heart.

My hope and my strength are in Christ. I have value in Christ, not in what I’ve done. I’ve been given freedom to work less and devote more time to teaching and loving my children and more joy in reaching out in my community. God has given me more peace and joy now than I have ever experienced before. I praise God for doing this good work in me!

I long to see others praying individually and with others. I long to see people recognizing their sin and turning to Jesus for freedom. I want to see God’s people individually experiencing the relationship that God wants to have with them. When we communicate and build relationships with other people, we talk to each other and we listen to each other. Prayer is one of the ways that we communicate and build a relationship with God. You can talk to Him and He hears you. You can listen to Him and He speaks to you.

I long to see others growing in their love for God and sharing what God is doing in their lives. I want to see my children, my family, my friends, my neighbors, and many others across this valley and across the world experiencing the hope and the joy and the peace that comes only from God through Jesus Christ.